XivCombo for very lazy gamers
A robust posing tool for creating screenshots in FFXIV's GPose mode.
DelvUI is a Dalamud plugin for Final Fantasy XIV that provides a fully customizable replacement for the default UI.
翻译 - DelvUI 是 Dalamud 的插件,旨在复制《最终幻想 XIV》中的 ElvUI 体验。还有很多灵感来自 ToxiUI。
Cross-platform version of XIVLauncher, optimized for Steam Deck
FFXIV Dalamud Plugin - Makes fishing less/more boring for you.
Bard performance plugin for FFXIV.
FFXIV Dialogue text translator
A utility for improving the GPose experience in FFXIV.
Analyses combat information every frame and finds the best action.
Explore a DeepDungeon with a tool like the HoloLens or GoogleGlass on
Lemegeton is a Dalamud plugin which is geared to be your ultimate ingame companion. With a wide variety of helpful features for all kinds of content, from day to day usage to ultimate raiding, you'll ...
Patches which remove unreasonable ToS, analytics, plugin bans and integrity check from Dalamud and XIVLauncher CN. 鯊鯊補丁的目的是移除 Dalamud 和 XIVLauncher CN 中不合理的服務條款、數據上傳、插件封鎖和完整性檢查。
Hilda is a plugin for Dalamud in conjunction with XIVLauncher with an aim to teach players how to play combat Jobs with very little prior knowledge.
Dalamud plugin designed to give you better control over your Final Fantasy XIV character appearance.
All the dalamud plugins and repos that can be found on github and a few more. Formally, neat-plugins-plus.