Triggernometry is a plugin for Advanced Combat Tracker, intended to extend its built-in trigger system with a variety of different actions and configuration options.
Comprehensive FFXIV Overlays, Triggers, Dot Tracker, Log Analysis, and more in an easy-to-use tool
An application, Dalamud and ACT plugin for preventing being auto-kicked from FFXIV due to inactivity.
翻译 - 一个应用程序、Dalamud 和 ACT 插件,用于防止由于不活动而被 FFXIV 自动踢出。
Lemegeton is a Dalamud plugin which is geared to be your ultimate ingame companion. With a wide variety of helpful features for all kinds of content, from day to day usage to ultimate raiding, you'll ...
Telesto allows Triggernometry some means to interact with Final Fantasy XIV directly.
All the dalamud plugins and repos that can be found on github and a few more. Formally, neat-plugins-plus.
A VSCode extension for developing cactbot modules.
Repository for any Dalamud plugins that I might create
Overlay skins for Advanced Combat Tracker (ACT) FFXIV Parsing Plugin
Repository for my Triggernometry triggers repositories and READMEs
ACT plugin for showing FFLogs stats in an interactable notification when someone joins your party in FFXIV.
파티원 목록을 따로 입력하지 않아도 알아서 절테마 돌감옥 순서를 알려주는 오버레이
This small plugin is designed to allow more convenient management of ACT.
Snoopy allows you to stream ACT logs to someone who might be interested in receiving it.
Comprehensive Trigger Collection for ACT Triggernometry for FFXIV
This is a trigger repository for Triggernometry triggers made by myself.