FFXIV TypeScript Raiding Overlay
翻译 - FFXIV JavaScript搜寻叠加
ACT-FF14 OverlayPlugin Skin - Modern, easily configurable, always up-to-date.
翻译 - ACT-FF14 OverlayPlugin外观-现代,易于配置,始终保持最新状态。
Powerful, data-focused DPS overlay and spell timers for Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV). Can be used with the OverlayPlugin and ACTWebSocket plugins for Advanced Combat Tracker (ACT). Updated for Dawntrail.
Comprehensive FFXIV Overlays, Triggers, Dot Tracker, Log Analysis, and more in an easy-to-use tool
A FFXIV Overlay for OverlayPlugin using HTML and JS
ACT overlay for Final Fantasy XIV that shows your real-time skill sequences.
파티원 목록을 따로 입력하지 않아도 알아서 절테마 돌감옥 순서를 알려주는 오버레이
FFXIV ACT OverlayPlugin Skin - Simple and easy to use!
A built in texture library for after effects, WIP
A simple Python skript that displays the now playing song on Spotify with a smal POP-Up. Spotify Overlay