Rapid development of self-documenting APIs
:shopping_cart: The Shopping Cart application developed in the book "Practical FP in Scala: A hands-on approach"
Principled code generation from OpenAPI specifications
Describe HTTP endpoints in Scala and derive clients, servers, and documentation
Todo-Backend (https://www.todobackend.com/) implementation using ZIO, http4s, doobie and circe
A sample project of a microservice using http4s, doobie, and circe.
🌈 Code samples of advanced features of Http4s in combination with some features of Fs2 not often seen.
Minimal http4s + Doobie + ZIO + Circe Scala application to show how to build a purely functional web application in Scala.
🔒 Opinionated JWT authentication library for Http4s
Typesafe HTML templates and static site generator in pure Scala
A tracing library for Cats and Http4s, tailored for Opentracing tracers like Datadog and Jaeger
Collection of what I consider good practices in Http4s (WIP)
Employ Scala for serverless applications
A complete example of a fullstack (I actually don't know what this means) Scala application, using http4s on the backend and Laminar and Scala.js on the frontend