#自然语言处理#Data and tools for generating and inspecting OLMo pre-training data.
SDN networks (Software Defined Networking ) are exposed to new security threats and attacks, especially Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. For this aim, we have proposed a model able to ...
How to improve a 14% your image matching with only one line of code? BEBLID is the key!
A Hand Written Digit Recognition app trained on the MNIST dataset of Keras using the CNN model. skills used are Tensorflow, HTML,CSS,javascript.
#前端开发#Front end for Heart Disease Analysis and Prediction Project
Proyecto de entrenamiento de modelos de IA con aprendizaje por refuerzo (reinforcement learning) en Unity. Corresponde al trabajo práctico grupal de la materia INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL (9525) de la Fac...
#计算机科学#Stroke-GFCN: segmentation of Ischemic brain lesions
💻 Personal blog/website, built using Jekyll & Github pages.
#计算机科学#MLP Regression model to predict quantitative data
Clone your favorite voice for your script
Kaggle Competition...
SMOTE-MR: A distributed Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) for Big Data which applies a MapReduce based-approach. SMOTE-MR is categorized as an `approximated/ non exact` solution. Also,...
Master's program ''Machine learning and high-load networks'' at the Higher School of Economics.
This project focuses on detecting Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) from retinal images using machine learning models. The goal is to classify images based on the severity of DR using deep learning techniques...
#计算机科学#[IN DEVELOPMEN] JavaScript AI engine Focused on simplicity of use
A program made using DeepAI and python for smart refrigerator for HackWithInfy Hackathon
Real-Estate Price Predictor is a machine learning project developed to assist users in estimating the price of real estate properties based on various features such as location, size, amenities, etc. ...
Implementação de algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina para detecção de doença em radiografias.
Self-driving toy car built in C++ with raspberry pi, opencv, and tensorflow.