Vulnerable OTP/2FA Application written in PHP using Google Authenticator
This article will teach you how to secure a React.js app by implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) feature using TOTP tokens generated by Google Authenticator, Authy, or Chrome's Authenticator e...
An advanced .NET 8 template that uses TOTP-based multi-factor login with Otp.NET, EF Core (PostgreSQL), Docker, dotnet aspire, and Serilog—built around a Clean Architecture design. Perfect for learnin...
Multiple Factor Rewards Staking program for Kingdom of Dwarves NFT collections
Enables multi-factor authentication (MFA) for .NET Framework applications. Supported authentication methods: WebAuthn/U2F Security Keys, Mobile Push, Mobile Passcodes (TOTP), SMS Passcodes, Email Link...
GnuPG wrapper script for symmetric encryption with YubiKey (challenge-response). Includes an adapter for QtPass and Browserpass (passwordstore).
Kotlin library for generating and verifying TOTP (Time-based One time Password) and HOTP (HMAC-based One Time Password) codes
#计算机科学#Keystroke Biometrics Multifactor Authentication with Machine Learning
A Rust library for working and verifying YubiKey OTPs