#IOS#Easy to use cryptographic framework for data protection: secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Has unified APIs across 14 platforms.
翻译 - 易于使用的加密框架用于数据保护:具有前向保密性的安全消息传递和安全的数据存储。跨12个平台具有统一的API。
Golang symmetric encryption library
Encrypted plain file keyring backend for the python keyring package
多重算法加密或解密文件 - 实用工具 Multiple Algorithm Encrypting or Decrypting File Reborn Versions - Utility tools
Coursera Course Symmetric Cryptography 🔑 part of Introduction to Applied Cryptography Specialization.
NIST LWC Hardware Design of Ascon with Protection against Power Side-Channel Attacks
A 256-bit block cipher based on SPN design, supporting key sizes of 256/384/512 bits
#安全#Ascon family of lightweight authenticated encryption and hashing schemes, made developer-friendly and with Init-Update-Final paradigms
Symmetric Partial Homomorphic Encryption
#安全#AES256 implementation in Elixir
Compress, encrypt, archive. Easy and secure..
The XOR Encryption algorithm is an effective and easy-to-implement method of symmetric encryption.
#安全#crypto; from kruptein to hide or conceal
Simple C# (mono) ransomware that encrypts all the data using the Rijndael algorithm.
Program where people can send messages securely to each other.
#安全#A python script for encryption and decryption using the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm in the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode of operation .
#安全#Flask extension based on simple-crypt that allows simple, secure encryption and decryption for Python.
#安全#Very simple library based on FramedTCP that provides a fairly secure ecnrypted TCP connection.
Encryption And Decryption Using Different Symmetric And Asymmetric Algorithms.