#IOS#Easy to use cryptographic framework for data protection: secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Has unified APIs across 14 platforms.
翻译 - 易于使用的加密框架用于数据保护:具有前向保密性的安全消息传递和安全的数据存储。跨12个平台具有统一的API。
Software for "Quantum-Resistant Cryptosystems from Supersingular Elliptic Curve Isogenies"
#安全#W3C Web Cryptography API for Node.js
#区块链#Airmed Foundation's IPFS + Hyperledger Fabric web client
#安卓#A secure chat between an Android client and Java server using AES for encryption and Diffie-Hellman for key exchange.
World's most advanced high school admissions system
A simple Dart library for asymmetric encryption and digital signatures
Complete and working ASP.NET Core Web APIs template with lot of examples: OAuth 2.0 Authentication, JSON Web Algorithms and Bearer Tokens (JWA, JWT, JWS, JWE), HMAC symmetric key, RSA X509 certificate...
#安卓#Encryption based on asymmetric cryptography
JS bindings and playground of post-quantum asymmetric ciphers
AES 256 & RSA encrypted video steganography. SRU Hackathon 2022 - Cybersecurity Winners
In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn how to properly refresh JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) using the RS256 algorithm and Redis. The integration of Redis will give us the ability to effortlessly revoke o...
#安全#Easily generate RSA Public-Private Keypairs and use them for secure asymmetric one-way encryption and decryption! - npmjs.com/package/quick-encrypt
#安全#An Advanced PHP Cryptography Framework
#安全#Cross-browser cryptographic library implementing the Web Cryptography API.
#安全#Encrypted File System simulator.
#安全#A simple Commandline Program Developed Using Python3 to make GNU Privacy Guard Program easy to use for beginners.
message signing and verifying for Lightning Network
Python Program to encrypt Strings and Files using End-to-End Asymmetric & Symmetric Encyption