An actor-based Framework with network transparency for creating event-driven architecture in Golang. Inspired by Erlang. Zero dependencies.
翻译 - 在 Golang 中使用 Erlang/OTP 的技术和设计模式创建微服务的框架
Standalone server for user address and OTP verification flows with pluggable providers (e-mail, SMS, bank penny drops etc.)
SMSBotBypass : (OTP BOT) Bypass SMS verifications from Paypal, Instagram, Snapchat, Google, 3D Secure, and many others...
翻译 - SMSBotBypass : (OTP BOT) 绕过来自 Paypal、Instagram、Snapchat、Google、3D Secure 和许多其他公司的 SMS 验证...
OTP BOT Bypass SMS verifications from Paypal, Instagram, Snapchat, Google, 3D Secure, and many others...
An awesome two-factor authenticator based on Flutter, supports Android, Windows and Linux platforms, and supports multiple cloud backup methods such as Onedrive, Dropbox, WebDAV, S3Cloud, etc.基于 Flutt...
Vulnerable OTP/2FA Application written in PHP using Google Authenticator
This article will teach you how to secure a Node.js API by implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) system using tokens generated by Google Authenticator or Authy. The one-time passcode (OTP) can ...
#IOS#Customisable OTP view and Passcode view
#IOS#Customisable OTP view and Passcode view
A self-hosting app to share secrets only one-time.
#安卓#Multi OTP Spam Amp/Paralell threads
User Friendly Tool can help to be anonymous in the internet, the tool provide more than 160 numbers to use OTP codes for temporary accounts
This is a build environment to build a docker image for privacyIDEA based on official Python image and PrivacyIDEA.
#IOS#A custom view to enter a code usually used in authentication. Different types of OTPViews. Easy to use and configure your own view and character of OTP using all the attributes.
Sending OTP SMS in PHP from localhost using textlocal
#IOS#iOS, watchOS, & macOS One-Time Password client
Implementing OTP authentication with ReactJS and AWS Amplify
Generating OTP one-time passwords in Swift.