Flutter package to create Pin code input text field with every pixel customization possibility 🎨 with beautiful animations, iOS autofill, Android autofill
[验证码识别-部署] This project is based on CNN+BLSTM+CTC to realize verificationtion. This projeccode identificat is only for deployment models.
An automatic account creation bot script for Instagram.
Standalone server for user address and OTP verification flows with pluggable providers (e-mail, SMS, bank penny drops etc.)
#安卓#Simple and fully modifiable OTP Input Component for React Native
SVPinView is a light-weight customisable library used for accepting pin numbers or one-time passwords.
Vonage Server SDK for Python. API support for Voice, SMS, WhatsApp, Verify (2FA), Video Meetings and more.
ddddocr rust 版本,ocr_api_server rust 版本,二进制版本,验证码识别,不依赖 opencv 库,跨平台运行,a simple OCR API server, very easy to deploy。
#安卓#🔢 SplitEditText 是一个灵活的分割编辑框。常常应用于验证码输入 、密码输入等场景。
A customisable verification code view to capture OTPs
#IOS#Customisable OTP view and Passcode view
#IOS#Customisable OTP view and Passcode view
This asynchrounous FIFO deisgn and UVM verificaiton is one case study of me. The design is based on Cliff Cumming's paper and the UVM is coded by me(Xianghzi Meng)
✅❎ A lightweight image rotation verification plugin.
A verification code input, autocompletion friendly