#安卓#📱 Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) client for Android + Wear OS
翻译 - 📱 适用于 Android + Wear OS 的两步验证 (2FA) 客户端
Extract one time password (OTP) secrets from QR codes exported by two-factor authentication (2FA) apps such as "Google Authenticator". The exported QR codes from authentication apps can be captured by...
Backendless security monitoring for your MFA enabled services. 🔐
Accenture Pre learning modules solutions, All Tecstack portal answers available here. Please use this repository only to verify your answers.
#计算机科学#R interface to TensorFlow 2.x SIG-Addons
Free (Do whatever you want), fully-responsive Bootstrap themes for your next startup and side-project.
Multi Factor Authentication and Passwordless for Meteor (with U2F support)
Multivariate thermodynamics-based metabolic flux analysis in Python.
Two Factor Authentication for Customers
Collection of documentation useful for addon developers for TFA SWEP Base on Garry's Mod.
#安全#Threema Gateway implementation for XenForo, offers two-step-authentication (or two-factor-authentication 2FA) for users
All token secrets for two-factor authentication
A JWT authentication service with 2FA option developed using FastAPI and using Celery for asynchronous email sending
a C library for using and making TFA QR codes using ANSI text-mode graphics