Debezium为捕获数据更改(change data capture,CDC)提供了一个低延迟的流式处理平台
Kafka Web UI
翻译 - Kafka Web UI
Privacy and Security focused Segment-alternative, in Golang and React
翻译 - Golang和React中针对隐私和安全性的细分市场替代方案
Apache EventMesh 是一个用于解耦应用和后端中间件层的的动态云原生 事件驱动 架构基础设施。它支持广泛的用例,包括复杂的混合云、使用了不同技术栈的分布式架构。
Apache InLong(应龙)是一个一站式海量数据集成框架,提供自动、安全、可靠和高性能的数据传输能力,同时支持批和流,方便业务构建基于流式的数据分析、建模和应用。
Open-Source Web UI for managing Apache Kafka clusters
Apache Pulsar Go Client Library
🦎 A multi-protocol edge & service proxy. Seamlessly interface web apps, IoT clients, & microservices to Apache Kafka® via declaratively defined, stateless APIs.
Apache Pulsar Manager
.NET Stream Processing Library for Apache Kafka 🚀
Kafka-on-Pulsar - A protocol handler that brings native Kafka protocol to Apache Pulsar
The official .NET client library for Apache Pulsar
Official Apache Pulsar Helm Chart
The serverless framework purpose-built for event streaming applications.
Lightweight & elastic kubernetes-native event streaming system
Apache Pulsar NodeJS Client
StreamNative Helm Charts Repository: Apache Pulsar, Pulsar Operators, StreamNative Platform, Function Mesh
Build event-driven and event streaming applications with ease