Kafka Web UI
翻译 - Kafka Web UI
A easy and high-performance monitoring system, for comprehensive monitoring and management of kafka cluster.
KMinion is a feature-rich Prometheus exporter for Apache Kafka written in Go. It is lightweight and highly configurable so that it will meet your requirements.
Kafka consumer lag-checking application for monitoring, written in Scala and Akka HTTP; a wrap around the Kafka consumer group command. Integrations with Cloudwatch and Datadog. Authentication recentl...
Kafka Zookeeper RESTful API to perform topic/consumer group administration/metric(offset\lag\message) collection and monitor
An example showing how to integrate Apache Kafka with Akka Streams and Akka HTTP.
openmrs - mysql - debezium - kafka - spark - scala
Examples to understand the features provided by Kafka
Simple Custom Producer Consumer group demonstrating message passing in Kafka
How to use shared subscriptions (subscription groups) with Emitter
Kafka consumer tool to set and get offsets for consumer group and also list consumer members
Kafka consumer group autoscaler