Apache EventMesh 是一个用于解耦应用和后端中间件层的的动态云原生 事件驱动 架构基础设施。它支持广泛的用例,包括复杂的混合云、使用了不同技术栈的分布式架构。
ESB, SOA, REST, APIs and Cloud Integrations in Python
Titanoboa makes complex workflows easy. It is a low-code workflow orchestration platform for JVM - distributed, highly scalable and fault tolerant.
蓝鲸智云PaaS平台(BlueKing PaaS)
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome system integration software and resources.
An open source, a high-performance hybrid integration platform that allows developers quick integration with any application, data, or system.
翻译 - 一个开源的高性能混合集成平台,允许开发人员与任何应用程序,数据或系统快速集成。
A typescript based enterprise service bus framework based on enterprise integration patterns
DeFiBus is a decentralized finacial message bus for microservices, provide request/reply, unicast, multi-cast, broadcast, delay-message etc, and also privide service governance capacity and operation ...
pmesh: rethinking application proxies
an data-centric integration platform
蓝鲸 API 网关(API Gateway),是一种高性能、高可用的 API 托管服务
ESB for Python. Implements various Enterprise Integration Patterns.
Software AG DevOps library to support assets CI (continuous integration) with webMethods 9.x and 10.0. Work together with https://github.com/SoftwareAG/webmethods-sample-project-layout
Mirth Connect Examples for Educational Purposes
Sample project layout for webMethods assets. This sample also demostrates CI quick set up together with https://github.com/SoftwareAG/sagdevops-ci-assets
Lightweight Reliable Messaging Framework using Outbox Pattern / EFCore / AzureServiceBus