🔥 人人可用的开源 BI 工具,数据可视化神器。
DataSphereStudio is a one stop data application development& management portal, covering scenarios including data exchange, desensitization/cleansing, analysis/mining, quality measurement, visualizati...
翻译 - DataSphereStudio是一站式数据应用程序开发和管理门户,涵盖了各种场景,包括数据交换,脱敏/清理,分析/挖掘,质量测量,可视化和任务调度。
Xiaomi Kettle BLE protocol reverse-engineered
ESP32 Ready4Sky (R4S) Gateway for Redmond+ devices
A distributed scheduling job framework supporting DAG workflow for big data and regular jobs, providing programmable job types across different languages.
Java 核心技术,并发设计模式,数据结构与算法,SpringBoot ,OAuth2.0源码分析,Mysql进阶篇,Git 高级操作,Netty 教程,Redis设计与实战,Flink入门教程,Kafka入门与架构分析,Linux入门与Shell编程,DDD架构设计,ETL Keetle,ElasticSearch 希望更多的小伙伴一起加入共同维护,持续更新中!
Use Pentaho's open source data integration tool (Kettle) to create Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) processes to update a Socrata open data portal. Documentation is available at http://open-data-etl-utili...
Cassandra JDBC driver that works with 2.x and above. It intends to provide better SQL compatibility over CQL, so that it works well with existing tools like SQuirreL SQL for SQL development, JMeter fo...
an data-centric integration platform
Docker image for Pentaho Data Integration(PDI, aka Kettle) server community edition. https://hub.docker.com/r/zhicwu/pdi-ce/
Docker image for Pentaho BI server(community edition). https://hub.docker.com/r/zhicwu/biserver-ce/
jun_bigdata大数据平台服务框架。实现了Kafka实时数据过滤、清洗、转换、消费,实现了Spark SQL对Redis、MongoDB等非关系型数据库的数据的读写;集成了规则引擎,可基于规则引擎实现客户标签、画像等相关功能。输出各类大屏展示看板DashBoard等