Exchangis is a lightweight,highly extensible data exchange platform that supports data transmission between structured and unstructured heterogeneous data sources
翻译 - Exchangis是一个轻量级,高度可扩展的数据交换平台,支持结构化和非结构化异构数据源之间的数据传输
A prototype project of big data platform, the source codes of the book Big Data Platform Architecture and Prototype
Educational notes,Hands on problems w/ solutions for hadoop ecosystem
The goal of this project is to build a docker cluster that gives access to Hadoop, HDFS, Hive, PySpark, Sqoop, Airflow, Kafka, Flume, Postgres, Cassandra, Hue, Zeppelin, Kadmin, Kafka Control Center ...
Repository used for Spark Trainings
This repository focuses on gathering and making a curated list resources to learn Hadoop for FREE.
Big data projects implemented by Maniram yadav
IBIS is a workflow creation-engine that abstracts the Hadoop internals of ingesting RDBMS data.
Data cleaning, pre-processing, and Analytics on a Health care data using Spark and Python.
Cloudera_Material: Study Material to help people preparing for Cloudera CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer Exam (CCA175). Feel free to collaborate.
Docker Big Data Tools: This docker-compose file is configured to run multiple nodes. This is a Hadoop Cluster that contains the necessary tools that can be used in the BigData domain, It's a collectio...
一个增量备份关系数据库(MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle等)到hive的php脚本工具