#计算机科学#CTR prediction model based on spark(LR, GBDT, DNN)
Qubole Sparklens tool for performance tuning Apache Spark
#计算机科学#Easy to use library to bring Tensorflow on Apache Spark
#计算机科学#Geospatial Raster support for Spark DataFrames
❄️ 🐳 Awesome tools and libs for AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Science, Data Analytics and Cognitive Computing that are baked in the oven to be Native on Ku...
Hybrid model of Gradient Boosting Trees and Logistic Regression (GBDT+LR) on Spark
Repository used for Spark Trainings
An umbrella project for multiple implementations of model serving
This repository contains Spark, MLlib, PySpark and Dataframes projects
Distributed least squares approximation (dlsa) implemented with Apache Spark
#数据仓库#Routines and data structures for using isarn-sketches idiomatically in Apache Spark
#计算机科学#Implementation of Spark code in Jupyter notebook. Topics include: RDDs and DataFrame, exploratory data analysis (EDA), handling multiple DataFrames, visualization, Machine Learning
#计算机科学#Movie review dataset Word2Vec & sentiment classification Zeppelin notebook
Spark Scala docker container sample for AWS testing - EKS & S3
#计算机科学#Machine Learning Course @ Santa Clara University
#计算机科学#Ensemble Learning for Apache Spark 🌲