#计算机科学#A curated list of gradient boosting research papers with implementations.
#计算机科学#A self-generalizing gradient boosting machine that doesn't need hyperparameter optimization
Represent trained machine learning models as Pyomo optimization formulations
Hybrid model of Gradient Boosting Trees and Logistic Regression (GBDT+LR) on Spark
A "build to learn" Alpha Zero implementation using Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (LightGBM)
#计算机科学#Library for Multi-objective optimization in Gradient Boosted Trees
Multiobjective black-box optimization using gradient-boosted trees
#计算机科学#An example project that predicts house prices for a Kaggle competition using a Gradient Boosted Machine.
#计算机科学#Machine Learning Tool Box
Influence Estimation for Gradient-Boosted Decision Trees
#计算机科学#Stochastic tree ensembles (BART / XBART) for supervised learning and causal inference
OncoNetExplainer: Explainable Prediction of Cancer Types Based on Gene Expression Data
#计算机科学#Gradient boosting for OCaml using the R xgboost package under the carpet
#计算机科学#ML models trained on the SARCOS dataset
PhishyAI trains ML models for Phishy, a Gmail extension which leverages ML to detect phishing attempts in all incoming emails
Analysis of information about startup companies done using machine learning and data analytics methods to predict the success of the startup companies.
#计算机科学#Sequential skip prediction using deep learning and ensembles
#自然语言处理#Binary text difficulty classification with tf-idf, word2vec, and other linguistic features with multinomial naive bayes, logistic regression, and gradient boosted decision trees.
An implementation of the algorithms from the camera-ready version of the paper "Coresets for Decision Trees of Signals" (NeurIPS'2021) by Ibrahim Jubran, Ernesto Evgeniy Sanches Shayda, Ilan Newman, a...
#计算机科学#Machine learning multiclassification task in particle physics experiment (Belle II) with deep neural networks (DNN) and gradient boosted decision trees (XGBoost).