Hestia Control Panel | A lightweight and powerful control panel for the modern web.
翻译 - Hestia控制面板|适用于现代网络的轻巧而强大的控制面板。
Install and manage your server like a pro! With Cipi you don’t need to be a Sys Admin to deploy and manage websites and PHP applications powered by cloud VPS.
翻译 - 云控制面板|基于Laravel的VPS管理器
Full featured Z-Wave Control Panel UI and MQTT gateway. Built using Nodejs, and Vue/Vuetify
翻译 - Zwave到Mqtt网关和控制面板Web UI。由Nodejs,ZwaveJs和Vue / Vuetify提供支持
DeskApp Admin is a free to use Bootstrap 4 admin template.
Sentora is a web hosting control panel written in PHP for *NIX
A Crud Admin Dash made from Vue, Vuex, Vue-Router and Vuetify. Features working Notification system, Login system, JWT system, Store, Data tables
Software environment for web development
Fully configurable Zwave to MQTT gateway and Control Panel using NodeJS and Vue
A highly customizable web hosting control panel built with Docker 🐳
i-MSCP - internet Multi-Server Control Panel
A web-based Control Panel for rAthena servers written in PHP. Manage player accounts, databases, support tickets, etc via your browser.
Web Control Panel for Raspberry Pi
Provides a central place to store, version and distribute the Sentora installer and upgrade scripts from.
Satis Control Panel (SCP) is a simple web UI for managing your Satis Repository for Composer Packages.
Spikster is a VPS manager, powerful web hosting control panel designed to simplify server management and automate web services. Quickly set up and manage Nginx, PHP-FPM, MySQL, Redis, Exim, Dovecot, S...
🌚🌓Alternative Control Panel for Windows 10
Web control panel to deploy apps on your servers (with Dokku)
翻译 - Web控制面板,用于在服务器上部署应用程序(使用Dokku)
PHP client library to manage DirectAdmin control panel servers.
PHP interface for VestaCP, providing a beautiful UI, UX, features & integrations.