基于 vite5.x + vue3.x + ant-design-vue4.x + typescript hooks 的基础后台管理系统 RBAC的权限系统, JSON Schema动态表单,动态表格,锁屏界面
🍰🍰 VIte-CLI resolve Vite create starter template No need to configure vite scaffolding templates quickly build vite4.x development templates highly customized Vue3.x React 18 Vite5.x
Vue2 with typescript and vite starter template
A starter template for Framework7 with TypeScript
A simple library template starter for Vite with TypeScript, Prettier, Vitest, Bun, Renovate and np.
Quick starter template for your React project includes Vite, ShadcnUI, Tailwind, Lucide and more
A Vue template based on Vite, Unocss
Vite Template in Library Mode: JavaScript / TypeScript + Unit Tests + Linter + Formatter + Commit Lint + Git Hooks + ...
Modern starter template for Vite with Vue and TypeScript
✨Yehezkiel Gunawan's personalized Vite + React + Typescript + Chakra UI starter template ⚡
🦌 Viteer auto-scaffolding CLI — start a vite project from a single prompt
Vite Template that contains Vue 3 + Vue Router + Vue Pages + TypeScript + SASS + Pug + Yarn
Start your next React TS project easily
Basic Vite starter with Typescript + TailwindCSS
🌊 React + Vite Starter Template