Countries, Languages & Continents data (capital and currency, native name, calling codes).
A collection of standards as PHP Enums: ISO3166, ISO4217, ISO639...
Worldwide Country Informations (ISO-3166-1 Alpha2, ISO-3166-1 Alpha3, ISO 639-1)
PHP library to convert ISO-639-1 code to language name, based on Wikipedia's List of ISO 639-1 codes
A Python helper library to convert between ISO 639 two- and three-letter codes.
ISO 639 tables for managing autonyms, LCIDs and default ISO 15924 scripts in a machine-readable format
ISO 639 and IETF Language Code Lookup Tool
Type-safe ISO 639-1 language code (a.k.a. two-letter codes) for TypeScript
PHP library to get language name from language code
ISO639 Codes for JavaScript
A tiny package to help convert between languages names (such as English, French, German) and various ISO language codes (such as en, fr, de).
ISO639 languages for swift