Models of COVID-19 outbreak trajectories and hospital demand
翻译 - COVID-19爆发轨迹的模型和医院需求
A simple data of the world by country each in JSON format.
翻译 - 每个国家/地区以JSON格式提供的简单数据。
The most complete library for Bar, Line, Area, Pie, Donut, Stacked Bar, Population Pyramid and Radar charts in React Native. Allows 2D, 3D, gradient, animations and live data updates.
#网络爬虫#Kuwala is the no-code data platform for BI analysts and engineers enabling you to build powerful analytics workflows. We are set out to bring state-of-the-art data engineering tools you love, such as ...
Mongoose plugin to enable deep population of nested models ⛺
CountriesNow is an Open source API for retrieving geo-information for countries, including their states, cities, population, etc. 🌎
PopLDdecay: a fast and effective tool for linkage disequilibrium decay analysis based on variant call format(VCF) files
Fantasy Worlds Procedurally Generated
A dashboard web app template built in Python using Streamlit.
The MacGraph network. An attempt to get MACnets running on graph knowledge
Pure Python Library for ES-HyperNEAT. Contains implementations of HyperNEAT and ES-HyperNEAT.
Mongoose extension that allows to build json schema for mongoose models, schemes and queries
Population figures for countries, regions (e.g. Asia) and the world.
VCF2Dis: A new simple and efficient software to calculate p-distance matrix and construct population phylogeny based Variant Call Format
A new simple and efficient software to PCA and Cluster For popolation VCF File
#计算机科学#Genetic learning algorithm implementation for simulations, games, or general machine learning problems
Code from the paper "Effective Diversity in Population Based Reinforcement Learning", presented as a spotlight at NeurIPS 2020. This is the Evolution Strategies implementation, but of course the metho...
A population based stochastic algorithm for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem.
Data preprocessing scripts and preprocessed data storage for COVID-19 Scenarios project
翻译 - COVID-19方案项目的数据预处理脚本和预处理的数据存储
#算法刷题#Traveling Salesman Problem Using Parallel Genetic Algorithms