中国亲戚关系计算器 - 家庭称谓/亲戚称呼/称呼计算/辈分计算/亲戚关系算法/親戚稱呼計算機_Chinese kinship system.
A new simple and efficient software to PCA and Cluster For popolation VCF File
Mixed models @lme4 + custom covariances + parameter constraints
Deep Neural Networks for Kinship prediction using face photos
[CVPR 2023 Highlight] StyleGene: Crossover and Mutation of Region-level Facial Genes for Kinship Face Synthesis
#自然语言处理#Exploring Model Kinship for Merging Large Language Models
#计算机科学#SW components and demos for visual kinship recognition. An emphasis is put on the FIW dataset-- data loaders, benchmarks, results in summary.
MultiSKAT is an R-package focused at rare-variant analysis of continuous multiple phenotype data. This project contains the R-codes/functions (including an example dataset) to carry out the MultiSKAT ...
An app that tells you how you’re related to your family members.
A package primarily designed for analysing next generation sequencing DNA data from families with pedigree information in order to identify rare variants that are potentially causal of a disease/trait...
A website for storing, browsing, and updating a family tree
Computation of pedigree-based relatedness coefficients. Part of the ped suite packages for pedigree analysis in R
Program for positive genetic identification and IBD detection from low-coverage sequencing data
Kinship Verification implemented in Python