#安卓#🔥🔥🔥 FlyTour是Android MVVM+MVP+Dagger2+Retrofit+RxJava+组件化+插件组成的双编码架构+双工程架构+双语言Android应用开发框架,通过不断的升级迭代该框架已经有了十个不同的版本,5.0之前工程架构采用gradle配置实现组件化,5.0之后的工程架构采用VirtualAPK实现了插件化,5.0之前采用Java编码实现,5.0之后采用Kotli...
#安卓#🛠️ A template for Android Studio to create MVPArms and MVPArt Page
#安卓#Description of the main principles and rules for building an Android application using Clean Architecture approach
#安卓#Create/Generate your kotlin MVP projects easily
Multi-project Clean Architecture MVP app in Kotlin using Conductor, Room, RxJava 2, Dagger 2 with custom scopes
Clean MVP Architecture with Dagger2 + Retrofit2 + Mockito + Fresco + EasiestGenericRecyclerAdapter using Kotlin. Added Unit Tests(Kotlin Tests)!
#安卓#MVP + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Dagger2 + Coroutines + Anko + Kotlin-Android-Extensions + RX-java + Mockk + Espresso + Junit5
The guide of the Dagger2 and dagger.android usage in Android.
Clean MVP Architecture with RxJava + Dagger2 + Retrofit2 + Mockito + Fresco + EasiestGenericRecyclerAdapter using Kotlin. Includes Unit Tests(Kotlin Tests)!
#安卓#Android MVP architecture sample project with or without RxJava and Dagger2 and Kotlin
#安卓#This is a work-in-progress (🔧️) ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP
Android Studio template for Kotlin with MVP + Dagger2 + Retrofit2
#安卓#Demo project on How to be a Mockstar using Mockito and MockWebServer.
Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree, project 2.
#安卓#This is a MVP (Model View Presenter) using Dagger Hilt since all examples use ViewModel + LiveData.
Demonstrates using Dagger 2.10+ in MVP app that follows Clean Architecture, RxJava 2, RxRelay
#安卓#Simple project with clean architecture and android lifecycle