JavaScript & Node.js 测试最佳实践
Pure Go Redis server for Go unittests
翻译 - 用于Go单元测试的Pure Go Redis服务器
Cross platform code coverage for .NET
翻译 - .NET的跨平台代码覆盖率
🦊 🚀 A Powerful Tool to Simplify Your Angular Tests
翻译 - 强大的工具可以简化您的角度测试
Framework for automatic mock generation. Adds a set of handy methods, simplifying testing. One of the best and most complete solutions, including generics support and much more.
BDD styled unit test framework for Kubernetes Helm charts as a Helm plugin.
Free open-source modern C++17 / C++20 framework to create console, GUI (forms like WinForms) and unit test applications and libraries on Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS and Linux.
This repository holds the source code of Microsoft.Testing.Platform (MTP), a lightweight alternative to VSTest, as well as MSTest adapter and framework.
Seldom automation testing framework based on unittest
The successor to nose, based on unittest2
Green is a clean, colorful, fast python test runner.
Embedded unit testing framework for Godot 4 supporting GDScript and C#. Features test-driven development, embedded test inspector, extensive assertions, mocking, scene testing.
bash unit testing enterprise edition framework for professionals
Visualize unit test code coverage easily for free in Visual Studio Community Edition (and other editions too)
#安卓#Mobile app for planning tasks for the day with multimodule architecture, MVI, Compose, Room, Voyager, AlarmManager, Notification, Charts