#安卓#Android 整洁架构(Clean Architecture)示例程序
#安卓#MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + Kotlin Flow + mockK + Espresso + Junit5
Clean Architecture by layer
#安卓#This is a sample app that is part of a blog post I have written about how to architect android application using the Uncle Bob's clean architecture and Fernando Cejas Android-CleanArchitecture in Kotl...
Kotlin android application example with MVVM pattern, android architecture, kotlin coroutine, unit test, and UI test
#安卓#Android micro framework for developing apps based on clean VIPER architecture.
#安卓#MVP + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Dagger2 + Coroutines + Anko + Kotlin-Android-Extensions + RX-java + Mockk + Espresso + Junit5
#安卓#The app demonstrates principles of usecases with RxJava2 , Dagger2 , Room , MVP , Mockito and Clean Architecture in Android. 📚
Android Sample Clean Architecture App written in Kotlin. (MVVM, dagger2, RXjava, data binding, Live data,room)
Android Clean Code Generator - Scaffolding
An Android project template based on Clean Architecture using architecture components library (Live data, View model and Room), RxJava2, Dagger2 and Retrofit2.
#安卓#An Android Kotlin project template based on Clean Architecture using architecture components (Live data, View model and Room), RxJava2, Dagger2 and Retrofit2.
#安卓#📐 📂 Little example about Clean Architecture on Android. 🚩 Fake location tracking app
#安卓#An Android Kotlin Clean Architecture template using Android Architecture Components (Live data, View model and Room), Kotlin Coroutines, Flow, Dagger2 and Retrofit2
#安卓#Android CleanArchitecture
#安卓#Android application architecture boilerplate based on "Clean Architecture".
#安卓#Example app using modularization and CLEAN architecture - GDG DevFest Veneto 2019
#安卓#This is a sample project that demonstrates how to design testable, scalable and safe Android application based on Clean Architecture and MVP without too much boilerplate code.
This sample app follows Uncle Bob's clean architecture approach. Work in progress