SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with SwiftData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
翻译 - 一个演示项目,展示具有Clean Architecture的SwiftUI应用的生产设置
Interactor Rails provides Rails support for the Interactor gem.
Extension of the android-mvp-architecture for very large projects.
#IOS#Intelygenz iOS Architecture
#安卓#Android micro framework for developing apps based on clean VIPER architecture.
#安卓#Movies Finder clean architecture
#IOS#A simple Pokedex app written in Swift that implements the PokeAPI, using Combine, RIB+VVM architecture and compositional layout
#IOS#Example iOS app designed using MVVM-C and Clean Architecture. Uses Swift Concurrency.
A versatile interaction toolkit for 3D worlds. Easily create dynamic interactions like picking up, throwing, and more.
Elegant library to manage the interactions between view and model in Swift
Service Object based on Either Monad
All BigTest development has moved to https://github.com/thefrontside/bigtest
Flutter Event Bus is an EventBus designed specific for Flutter app, which enable developer to write flutter app with Interactor pattern
Simpler, safer and more composable operations
#IOS#Swift Package for a Use Case centric architecture as proposed by Robert C. Martin and others.
Punch focuses on business logic layer design in accordance with the principles of The Clean Architecture. It provides basic frame, code-generators, DSL, and CLI
Interstate is a simple state machine which use interactors to trigger transitions