Represent use cases in a simple and powerful way while writing modular, expressive and sequentially logical code.
翻译 - 创建简单而强大的用例作为对象。
Splunk code (SPL) for serious threat hunters and detection engineers.
#计算机科学#Exploring Neo4j and Graph Data Science for Fraud Detection
🔌 Plug implementation details for a cleaner Architecture on iOS
YOUMU Online Bookstore | Tonji Univ. SSE System Analysis and Design
A simple Image search app build using MVVM architecture.
Good practices to create code in Java, open to other languages. ⚡
Recovery Validation Framework with PowerShell
Personal repository for my simple solutions for complex tasks. Free to copy-pase
Fluxus is a simple, dependencyless, and extensible use-case wrapper for your Ruby code.
Roxie, Rubrik's Intelligent Personal Assistant
Veritabanı Yönetim Sistemleri Dersi Ödevleri ve Projesi
#IOS#Swift Package for a Use Case centric architecture as proposed by Robert C. Martin and others.
Pure JavaScript API w/ Streams & TDD. Efficient file uploads, regex, and CRUD operations.
[2022] Python example of the clean architecture (use-cased based "hexagonal architecture" or "ports & adapters architecture") with both an http controller and a Kafka controller.