The missing, complete example of Domain-Driven Design enterprise application backed by Spring stack
a clean architecture implementation of the realworldapp :
Domain-Driven Design example
An example application written in Hexagonal (Ports and Adapter) architecture
Showcasing how the Polysemy library can be used to implement a REST application conforming to the guidelines of the Clean Architecture model.
Reference JVM multi module project for a reactive micro service and lambda using a hexagonal architecture, DDD, Kotlin, Spring Boot, Quarkus, Lambda, Gradle.
FTGOGO - event-driven architecture demonstration application using edat
This repository contains a sample Java REST application implemented according to hexagonal architecture.
Template project to build ktor-based multi-module web service with Kotlin using Hexagonal architecture
A service framework leveraging ports and adapters architecture to scale on your terms
#博客#The guide to understand Hexagonal Architecture (a.k.a Ports and Adapters) in JavaScript.
TDD with Clean Architectecture (aka Hexagonal, Ports & adapter) in Haskell
A sample project that uses the ports and adapters architecture (or hexagonal architecture) for a micro service.
Layered architecture python example project
A web-based board game platform designed for players to connect and play.
A simple example of how MPESA works. Works with all 3 types of customers i.e. Agents, Merchants and Subscribers. Allows you to configure a tariff and apply it to transactions. The project follows DDD ...
ArchUnit examples for a ports-and-adapters application architecture inside a Spring Boot book-catalog application
Generic Architecture Tests written in Kotlin using ArchUnit and Junit5