#学习与技能提升#An opinionated list of resources for learning Haskell
I'm trying to update the Real World Haskell book
翻译 - 我正在尝试更新真实世界的Haskell书
A community version of the renowned "Learn You a Haskell" (LYAH) tutorials collection!
Jupyter adaptation of Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
A curated list of amazingly awesome Haskell articles and talks for beginners.
🔍 A step-by-step guide to parsing using Haskell parser combinators.
Make Mistakes to Learn Haskell - 失敗しながら学ぶHaskell入門
A beginner's guide to Haskell optimization
TDD with Clean Architectecture (aka Hexagonal, Ports & adapter) in Haskell
#IOS#Project set up for playing around with mobile haskell
Materials for MI-AFP course tutorials
#算法刷题#problems from codeforces solved in haskell
Materialien für den Curry Club Haskell Workshop
Haskell monad transformers and some other helpful stuff
Hasekell for Java programmers tutorial by code samples