Represent use cases in a simple and powerful way while writing modular, expressive and sequentially logical code.
翻译 - 创建简单而强大的用例作为对象。
Rails (API) app that shows different kinds of architecture (one per commit), and in the last one, how to use the Micro::Case gem to handle the application business logic.
Ruby operations with enforced contracts for input/output/error data structures
#编辑器#Don't use it, old archive. Using interactors and repositories in unity game. Accelerate development for small/middle size games!
Simple calculator following SOLID principles with Clean Architecture
Backend for the Alumni Portfolio App
#安卓#🎥 Application for getting information about films from The Movie Database. Android, Kotlin, CleanArchitecture, MVVM, Coroutines, Flow, Youtube API, Ktor, Coil, Paging3, Crashlytics
Task Manager App made for iOS 13+. This repo was created to practice SwiftUI with MVVM
#安卓#CleanArchitecture Own Work (Test)
Rocket Chat Demo using Interactors + GraphQL gem with realtime Subscriptions
Android Kotlin MVVM app.
A POC created to sustain study and discussion at my workplace. This is a very minimal implementation of the service object pattern with composable objects.
Colaborative boards, no limits!