SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with SwiftData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
翻译 - 一个演示项目,展示具有Clean Architecture的SwiftUI应用的生产设置
🌀 Clean Architecture with .NET6, C#10 and React+Redux. Use cases as central organizing structure, completely testable, decoupled from frameworks
翻译 - :cyclone:使用.NET Core 3.1,C#8和React + Redux的干净架构。用例作为中心组织结构,可完全测试,与框架分离
GitHub iOS client in RxSwift and MVVM-C clean architecture
翻译 - RxSwift和MVVM-C干净架构中的GitHub iOS客户端
Domain Driven Design in Python, Ruby and other dynamic languages resources
#安卓#A fork of our clean architecture boilerplate, this time using the Android Architecture Components
🕸 Yet Another .NET Clean Architecture, but for Microservices project. It uses Minimal Clean Architecture with DDD-lite, CQRS-lite, and just enough Cloud-native patterns apply on the simple eCommerce ...
翻译 - 🕸 又一个 .NET Clean 架构,但用于微服务项目。它使用带有 DDD-lite、CQRS-lite 的 Minimal Clean Architecture 和足够多的云原生模式应用于简单的电子商务示例,并在带有 Dapr 扩展的 Tye 上运行🍻
#安卓#An Android Template with MVVM and Clean Architecture
Simple API for banking routines using a Clean Architecture in Golang 💳 💰 💸
#安卓#Android architecture sample with dynamic feature modularisation, clean architecture with MVI (Uni-directional data flow), dagger hilt, DFM Navigation, kotlin coroutines with StateFlow and Exo player.
#安卓#Android Kotlin Clean Architecture
#安卓#This is a sample movie list Android application built to demonstrate use of Clean Architecture tools. Dedicated to all Android Developers - (Kotlin, MVVM, Clean Architecture, Rx-Java, Dagger, OkHttp, ...
CleanArchitecture Example
#安卓#Sample to practice Clean Architecture in android applications.
Go gRPC Kafka CQRS microservices with tracing
Clean Architecture with MVVM for Flutter using Get_It, State management, SQFlite, Dio, StorageHelper, ConnectionHelper, custom widgets and more
Clean Architecture for Flutter
A Clean Architecture Practice with Flask REST API
#安卓#Build Instagram Clone - with Clean Architecture Flutter (Firebase Full-Stack)
GitHubBrowserApp on kotlin + rxJava2 + AAC+ retrofit2 + mvvm + koin + cleanArchitecture(modularization)
#安卓#Simple Android movies app using MVVM clean architecture.