Λrrow - The perfect companion for your Kotlin journey - Inspired by functional, data-oriented and concurrent programming
#安卓#🔥 EasyFloat:浮窗从未如此简单(Android可拖拽悬浮窗口,支持页面过滤、自定义动画,可设置单页面浮窗、前台浮窗、全局浮窗,浮窗权限按需自动申请...)
#安卓#A collection of hand-crafted extensions for your Kotlin projects.
#安卓#🔥 Android学习知识点总结 Jetpack、MVVM、MVI、Kotlin、ViewPager2、JUC多线程等,欢迎star!
#安卓#Android + Kotlin + Github Actions + ktlint + Detekt + Gradle Kotlin DSL + buildSrc = ❤️
#安卓#Kotlin extensions for the libGDX game framework
SQL DSL (Domain Specific Language) for Kotlin and Java. Supports rendering for MyBatis or Spring JDBC Templates
翻译 - 用于MyBatis或Spring JDBC模板的SQL Generator
#安卓#An Android Template with MVVM and Clean Architecture
#网络爬虫#A Kotlin-based testing/scraping/parsing library providing the ability to analyze and extract data from HTML (server & client-side rendered). It places particular emphasis on ease of use and a high lev...
A plugin for generating BuildConstants for any kind of Gradle projects: Java, Kotlin, Groovy, etc. Designed for KTS scripts.
#安卓#A sample Kotlin app which was built with modular structure, Kotlin DSL, Kotlin Coroutines, TDD and MVVM patterns.
🐘 A template to let you started with custom Gradle Plugins + Kotlin in a few seconds
#安卓#💐 An easy way to persist and run code block only as many times as necessary on Android.
#安卓#An app that existed before Android existed! 🔥
#安卓#A Gradle plugin that guards against unintentional dependency changes.
#安卓#A modern, strongly-typed contacts API for Android.
#安卓#Includes jetpack compose, navigation, paging, hilt, retrofit, coil, coroutines, flow..
Valiktor is a type-safe, powerful and extensible fluent DSL to validate objects in Kotlin
TvFlix android app using Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, KTX, Jetpack(Room, ViewModel, Paging3, Lifecycle) based on MVVM with clean code architecture purely written in Kotlin