#PHP 代码质量检查工具#PHPMD is a spin-off project of PHP Depend and aims to be a PHP equivalent of the well known Java tool PMD. PHPMD can be seen as an user friendly frontend application for the raw metrics stream measure...
翻译 - PHPMD是PHP Depend的衍生项目,旨在成为等效于著名Java工具PMD的PHP。对于PHP Depend测量的原始指标流,PHPMD可以看作是用户友好的前端应用程序。
#安卓#[Android Architecture] Android starter based on MVP/Dagger2/RxJava2/Robolectric/Espresso/Mockito. It provides a generator to fast create a Android template project.
🔥 一个与 IntelliJ IDEA 配套的 Java 脚手架,你的专属生产力工具。
TvFlix android app using Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, KTX, Jetpack(Room, ViewModel, Paging3, Lifecycle) based on MVVM with clean code architecture purely written in Kotlin
Easy setup of static analysis tools for Android and Java projects.
#安卓#Gradle plugin that generates Checkstyle, PMD, CPD, Lint & Ktlint Tasks for every subproject.
Jenkins Warnings Plugin - Next Generation
#安卓#Incremental scan,integrate Lint、KtLint、UnitTest、Checkstyle、Findbugs、Pmd, powerful and easy to use
Quality Police for Java projects: aggregator of Checkstyle and PMD
☕️ PMD Plugin for SonarQube
Static code review for your Gerrit patchsets. Runs Checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs, Scalastyle, CodeNarc, JSLint for you!
Gradle quality plugin for Java and Groovy
The pmd-eclipse-plugin integrates the source code analyzer PMD into the Eclipse IDE
A collection of Eclipse plugins for M2Eclipse that carry configuration from the Checkstyle, FindBugs and PMD Maven plugins to their corresponding Eclipse plugins.
A library to read static analysis reports into a Java object model
The Rule Designer is a graphical tool that helps PMD users develop their custom rules
Incremental code analysis tools based on checkstyle, pmd and jacoco