Modeling Multi-turn Conversation with Deep Utterance Aggregation (COLING 2018)
'Tis a configuration structure for getting Hyprland to work as intended on pretty much any distro that has TTY as shell/have GUI disabled.
OneDua is a quick list of Duas at your fingertips. Built with React Native using Expo.
Productive Muslim is a productivity app for the adherents of the Islamic faith made as the Lab project for CSE 4508: RDBMS Programming Lab.
Discord bot that displays a random post of Dua Lipa's instagram
An amazing web app for learn, study Dua from Hadith of Muhammad (SAW) & Quran. Dua by Categories, Sub Categories, Translation, References & many more features.
The apps for some regular Dua.
Morning Evening Azkar Web Application - Daily Supplication or Dua #MEAzkar