Quran JSON ~ 6236 verses, 114 surah, 30 Juz
#Awesome#A currated list of Awesome Muslim Resources to encourage and help developers produce more islamic apps.
All Hadith With Tashkil and Without Tashkel from the Nine Books that are 62,169 Hadith.
#安卓#A useful Application with a set of tools needed by every muslim.
Privacy focused ad-free open-source muslim Adhan (islamic prayer times) and qibla app
#安卓#Daily Muslim Android App that contains Prayer times, Rememberance, Qibla Finder, Zakat Calculator and other features... Project will be migrated to another language.
A prayer times (Adhan) and Quran app for Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux.
Simplified Perfect Complete Quran JSON (Indonesia Translation, Tafsir, and Audio) with API
Database of Prophet hadiths include 50,884 hadiths from 17 book, among of them the nine books
Chat: https://discord.gg/CG7frj2 - Email: info@mosque.tech. We do not provide any support, this is a volunteer-based project therefore we cannot commit to any time to resolve local issues.
Desktop Application 💻 for Calculating Muslim prayer times 🕌 , Morning and Nights Azkar 🤲 with notification for random Azkar that pops-up in specific time.
Alif is a Muslim app to schedule your daily need like prayer reminders, Islamic calendar, and create your custom activity to track your activity
Under Development: Prayer Time Calculation based on Geolocation for Chromium and Firefox
Free Tafsir API Service with different languages and translations
An app that helps all Muslims around the world perform daily worship. Complete Qur'an, Qiblah direction, Prayer Times
ملف جسون يحتوي على اسماء الله الحسنى ومعانيها ❤️ || Names Of Allah File Json
A video editor with the emphasis on creating Quran translation videos.