ASF(ArchiSteamFarm)是由 C#编写,能同时挂载多个 Steam 账号的挂卡工具
Allows interaction with the Steam network via the Steam client protocol
Two programs for idling Steam game hours and trading cards
A Node.js module to connect to and interact with the CS2 game coordinator. Mostly used to get item data.
Steam multi account module/event (get updates when event for steam)
Quickly switch between your Steam accounts
Steam integration for TeamSpeak 3
Farm/boost/idle hours headlessly on Steam without game installation
Desktop Authenticator for Steam for players, traders and gamers to be able to utilise, facilitate and automate Steam from their desktop
A Steam bot for gaming communities, originally built for Dota 2
🔧 Script for idling, boosting playtime in hours, for chosen game without using computer resources. CSGO test successfully.
SDroid is a framework for designing and running custom bots for Steam network capable of trading and managing the Steam Account they are connected to.
#安全#Program for interacting with Steam accounts
A chrome web extension to ease logging into multiple steam accounts.
Steam point awarder, used to award other peoples profiles, can be used to level others or just give them a gift of points that you've built up over time if you have no intention of using them
Bot that can play sounds in the new Steam chat.