Vira Theme is the official successor of the popular Material Theme. This premium version is actively maintained, includes hand-curated icons and more features
翻译 - 材质主题,Mattia Astorino撰写的Sublime Text 3最史诗般的主题
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翻译 - Xbox下载助手,支持Xbox、微软商店、PSN、NS、EA Desktop & Origin、战网国际服 下载加速。
Material Theme, the most epic theme for Visual Studio Code
翻译 - 材质主题,Visual Studio Code中最史诗般的主题
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UE4/UE5 Ressources Collection (Plugins, Effects, Doc, Tools, etc...)
Provides an easy way to install, attach and update the GOG Galaxy 2 Integrations
ScreenPen is a simple screen annotation software that allows drawing directly on the screen.
EPIC-KITCHENS-55 baselines for Action Recognition
Unreal Engine Pixel Streaming Quickstart on OKE
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Use RxJS Epics as state management for your React Components