#区块链#🐟 Yet Another bucket for lovely Scoop
使用Github Action每天自动合并其他scoop仓库的更新,仓库地址:https://github.com/kkzzhizhou/scoop-apps
A scoop bucket for installing nerd fonts
Scoop bucket for open source/freeware games and game-related tools
适合中国大陆的 Scoop buckets 代理镜像库。从多个开源 bucket 仓库同步更新,包含应用 1.6w+。
📦 A bucket for Scoop, for Oracle Java, OpenJDK, Eclipse Temurin, IBM Semeru, Zulu, ojdkbuild, Amazon Corretto, BellSoft Liberica, SapMachine and Microsoft JDK.
📦 A Scoop bucket for alternative versions of apps.
A Scoop bucket for Spotify, Spicetify and related packages.
Provides an easy way to install, attach and update the GOG Galaxy 2 Integrations
Scoop-Buket for Penetration Suite Toolkit - Windows渗透测试工具仓库For Scoop
A Scoop bucket for nonportable applications.
📦 General development tools for applications and games and pretty much everything else too :) . Created and maintained by Andrew Poženel - anderlli0053 . 📦
Install Clojure on Windows with Scoop
📦 Bucket of almost all of the 280+ apps from Nirsoft.net. Migrated from MCOfficer/scoop-nirsoft with permission.