C# HWID Changer 🔑︎ Disk, Guid, Mac, Gpu, Pc-Name, Win-ID, EFI, SMBIOS Spoofing [Usermode]
#1 HWID spoofer for ANY game
A PoC implementation for spoofing arbitrary call stacks when making sys calls (e.g. grabbing a handle via NtOpenProcess)
This tool will allow you to spoof the return addresses of your functions as well as system functions.
Bash script to check if a domain or list of domains can be spoofed based in DMARC records
翻译 - 用于检查是否可以根据 DMARC 记录欺骗域或域列表的 Bash 脚本
✉️🔨 PHP email spoofer | Send emails from any email adress
#1 Fully featured automated batchfile MAC address spoofer!
(Network Metadata Privacy) MAC Address spoofer with bonus combo (options): hostname + signal spoofer - *no disconnects!* Privacy Changing w/Brand Mimics: run as command or optional new randomized iden...
Yes, this is User Mode HWID spoofer that spoofes registry and volume ID and it was written on C#. I fully recoded this thing and now source code looks nice, things are easy to add and delete. Future s...