Cronos is Windows 10/11 x64 ring 0 rootkit. Cronos is able to hide processes, protect and elevate them with token manipulation.
Black Angel is a Windows 11/10 x64 kernel mode rootkit. Rootkit can be loaded with enabled DSE while maintaining its full functionality.
Experimental Windows x64 Kernel Rootkit with anti-rootkit evasion features.
WinRing0 is a hardware access library for Windows.
Linux Loadable Kernel Module (LKM) based rootkit (ring-0), capable of hiding itself, processes/implants, rmmod proof, has ability to bypass infamous rkhunter antirootkit.
🐧 Assembly with Linux (Notes, Syscalls, Protection Rings) 🐧
A bunch of architectural headers for i386 and AMD64
short crackme for Windows XP SP3 (32 bit version). ring0 stuff. IMO very fun x-)
Experiments with Linux kernel modules