User mode file system library for windows with FUSE Wrapper
翻译 - Windows的用户模式文件系统库,带有FUSE包装器
🐧 Assembly with Linux (Notes, Syscalls, Protection Rings) 🐧
Example Windows Kernel-mode Driver which enumerates running processes.
Kernel-mode C++ unit testing framework in BDD-style
A work-in-progress C++20/23 header-only maths library for game development, embedded, kernel and general-purpose that works in constant context.
Dumping processes using a kernel-mode driver.
Example Windows Kernel-mode Driver which finds process ID by executable file name.
Simple code generation library developed in C intended for code generation in Kernel mode
A B-Tree sparse file implementation for kernel mode IOKit modules/extensions.
Manually implement Structured Exception Handling a.k.a SEH for Delphi
hello world operating system
Archive of assignments done in Operating System Course.
The sudo and su commands in Windows!
Kernel Module for Lunix Sensors - Assignment for Operating Systems Lab (NTUA ECE)
Exploit development Notes - Exploit development RoadMap - Exploit development advices - Exploit development Tips - Exploit development Windows - Exploit development Kernel Mode & User Mode - learning ...
This repo contains my Operating System course's labs and project I did in my university.