Ghetto user mode emulation of Windows kernel drivers.
Kernal Driver Tutorial For Getting Started With Kernel Drivers
Manually implement Structured Exception Handling a.k.a SEH for Delphi
hello world operating system
Simple bash script to filter out useful ROP gadgets from rp++ output while bypassing DEP
An example of arbitrary code excecution in remote processes. Example spaws items inside EldenRing. Created solely for teaching purposes.
Windows Exploit development : Bypass Data Execution Prevention (DEP) using ROP chains manually hard code
Exploit development Notes - Exploit development RoadMap - Exploit development advices - Exploit development Tips - Exploit development Windows - Exploit development Kernel Mode & User Mode - learning ...
A program made to keep reservation and passenger record for the Railways
一个适用于 Linux x86-64 平台的用户态多线程库,支持线程的 create、sleep、join、yield 操作,支持互斥锁、自旋锁、读写锁、条件变量的各类操作。
Handle Watcher is a program that protects itself by detecting and terminating dangerous process handles.
Windows 10 System Programming additional study material (unofficial). Complete CLI and GUI programs exploring operating systems concepts.
This repo contains my Operating System course's labs and project I did in my university.