🔵 A Blue Screen Of Death (bsod) component to display your errors.
The safest library on the block. Calling the bsod function will cause a blue screen of death.
Codes that could trigger BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) on Windows.
Abusing RtlAdjustPrivilege and NtSetInformationProcess to cause a BSOD from usermode
PYrus is a prank virus built on python. It does not harm the computer in any way.
I completely russified and modified njrat and added an interface I am not criminally responsible for what you do with my program
PoC code for CVE-2018-15499 (exploit race condition for BSoD)
Manually implement Structured Exception Handling a.k.a SEH for Delphi
Creepy Malware for Windows 10
Neovim theme inspired by the blue screen of death