📊 Cross-platform user-friendly xlsx library for C++11+
Read and write simple Excel and CSV files
翻译 - 读写简单的Excel和CSV文件
A simple C++ library for reading and writing audio files.
A Python library to inspect and modify the internal structure of a PDF file
Stealthy UM <-> KM communication system without creating any system threads, permanent hooks, driver objects, section objects or device objects
[No longer maintained] A project to honor those developers who believed in the challenge.
A nice theme designed for Typora in Windows 11.
翻译 - A nice theme designed for Typora in Windows 11.
🐧 Assembly with Linux (Notes, Syscalls, Protection Rings) 🐧
This repository is a getting started kit for a lifelong learning system with Obsidian and Anki.
Copy files using glob patterns. Sync, async, promise or streams. (node.js utility)
Write data to the file system, creating any intermediate directories if they don't already exist. Used by flat-cache and many others!