Visual Studio extension that intelligently introduces new C# features into your existing codebase
翻译 - Visual Studio扩展,可以智能地将新的C#功能引入现有代码库
Collection of basic image processing algorithms for processing
Convolution and other super-patches (blur, sharpen)
A small and simple python image processor to apply, view and save a variety of different image filters like threshold, brightness, contrast, blur, sharpen, dilate, erode, edge detection and mirror. Mo...
3x3 spatial convolution in unity3d shader graph
#计算机科学#Using together cv2's findcontours and Haarcascade license plate detection together with the application of an extensive set of filters
Enhancing and Processing Images as per needed using Image Processing Techniques .
Model a game of checkers from a live video feed where the camera is not static.
#计算机科学#From images of cars in which their license plates have been labeled, and passing filters, their recognition is attempted by pytesseract . As there is not a single filter that works for all the licens...
Through the use of Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) filters, completed with otsu filters, a direct reading of car license plates with success rates above 70% and an acceptable ...
Simple GUI Program written in Qt, in order to sharpen an image from disk, and optionally to save it.
#计算机科学#A recognition licenses plates based in FindContours