#计算机科学#OpenMMLab's Next Generation Video Understanding Toolbox and Benchmark
翻译 - OpenMMLab的下一代操作理解工具箱和基准
[ICCV 2019] TSM: Temporal Shift Module for Efficient Video Understanding
翻译 - [ICCV 2019] TSM:高效视频理解的时移模块。
EPIC-KITCHENS-55 baselines for Action Recognition
This repo holds the work area and revisions of the non-ISA specification created by the RISC-V AP-TEE TG. This specification defines the programming interfaces (ABI) to support the Confidential VM Ext...
This project provides interfaces described in BSI-TR-03165 in form of JAVA API and OpenAPI YAML definition files. The TR describes a Trusted Service Management System (TSMS) to install and personaliz...
[ICCV 2019] TSM: Temporal Shift Module for Efficient Video Understanding
#计算机科学#Official Implementation of "Vision-based Behavioral Recognition of Novelty Preference in Pigs"
LTSM - Lightweight TSM API, Lustre TSM Copytool and TSM Console Client for Archiving Data
Contains code for C3D, LCN and TSM for action recognition models.
You will find in this repo my TSM Groups, my custom variables and macros I am currently using on several classes. I hope you find it useful, enjoy. 😊
A minimalist desktop application on the tray icon system to synchronize the auction house server with the TradeSkillMaster addon.