集合.net core、ocelot、consul、netty、rpc、eventbus、configserver、tracing、sqlsugar、vue-admin、基础管理平台等构建的微服务一条龙应用
翻译 - 集合.net core、ocelot、consul、netty、grpc、eventbus、configserver、tracing、sqlsugar、vue-admin、基础管理平台等构建的微服务一条龙应用
Spring Boot Microservice Example(Eureka Server, Config Server, API Gateway, Services , RabbitMq, Keycloak)
Intuitive bash/shell script to setup and harden/configure cPanel CentOS/RHEL server with ConfigServer Firewall, MailManage, MailQueue, Malware Detect, ClamAV, mod_cloudflare, CloudFlare RailGun, and m...
Spring boot cloud series with latest technologies
ConfigServer Firewall (CSF) - new dark theme, setup guides, Docker and OpenVPN support. Constantly updated IP Blocklists (for any firewall, host file). Includes Traefik integration with Authentik and ...
Spring Boot Micro Services Sample with Service Discovery(Consul), Routing and Filtering(Zuul), Client-Side Load Balance(Ribbon)
A Distributed Configuration Service Based on gRPC
Demo of a Spring Cloud Config server that requires basic authentication. Clients read the credentials from vault and configure their config client by facilitating Spring Cloud Config's auto-discovery ...
"whitewalkers" project that is a monolithic web project was designed in "microservices" approach by me.
Spring Boot Microservices with Eureka server, Zuul Server with Config Server.
Juggler is an product which can hold and do ticketing feature for any event
Spring Microservice In Action 《마이크로서비스 인 액션》 Upgared Spring boot 3.1.5
a Microservices-based Social Networking Platform designed for exchanging books among members. It leverages Spring Boot for the backend and Angular for the frontend.
rabbitmq, activemq, soa, esb, architectural-patterns, software-architecture, messaging-services, esb-message-logging, kafka, microservices, microservices, cqrs, microservice, api-gateway, event-sourci...
Spring cloud config repo
centralized config service and automatic service registration、discovery based on zookeeper
Spring boot config server which provides configuration file to it's client based on profiles from configured config-repository...
Exercise of microservices. The exercise was developed following baeldungs spring cloud stutorial series at http://www.baeldung.com/spring-cloud-tutorial and covers the next tutorials >> Bootstrapping ...