Instagram Clone - Cloning Instagram for learning purpose
This project contains samples demonstrating the usage of side car polygot
API authentication gateway written using Spring Boot, Zuul, Eureka and JWT.
Microservice project for OnlineShopping built using Spring-cloud
Library for using springfox swagger UI under ZUUL proxy
Project ini dibuat dalam rangka belajar microservice dengan Stack Spring Cloud
A gateway service using Zuul 2 that load balances backends without Eureka.
sample microservices applications demonstrating how to use spring cloud netflix projects like eureka with or without spring cloud config, zuul, ribbon
Microservice architechture
simple spring-cloud microservice application using EUREKA for registration and ZUUL as a proxy
Spring boot micro services with Eureka Server, Eureka client, Ribbon, Feign, Zuul Proxy, calling API using RestTemplate and WebClient with Externalized configuration using Config Server, tested using ...
This repository contains microservices samples built using spring boot and spring cloud application development frameworks
SpringBoot-Microservice-K8s is the extension of my SpringBoot-Microservice project but here you can start the services using Docker, Kubernetes, Kube Forwarder etc
The Microservice architecture patterns by example of a proof-of-concept application built with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Docker.
Spring boot microservices application with rabbitmq producer consumer demo
Microservice Architecture with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, JPA-Hibernate, Discovery Service (Consul), API gateway using Zuul Proxy and Centralized Authentication with Json Web Token (JWT)
This example explains about eureka client, Zuul, Feign
Spring Cloud example for using Spring Boot, Zuul, and Eureka.
Post reviews/comments on profiles in an enclosed network
Sample REST based micro-services developed using netflix oss (eureka,ribbon,zuul,hystrix,feign)