Online Chatting Application (Android) || Messaging App || Firebase
.Net Building Blocks
Web based Whatsapp clone with real time private chat and group chat features.
An open source desktop wallet for nano and banano with end-to-end encrypted, on chain messaging using the dagchat protocol.
sample microservices communicating asynchronously using spring cloud stream, rabbitmq
OpenTracing RabbitMQ instrumentation
Finally a free iMessage scheduler that just works.
For install Kafka cluster on 3 node
UNIX compatible, Discord and Telegram inspired, Pokémon-themed instant messaging service.
Distributed Systems Project for the 2019-2020 course of the Computer Science degree at the University of Havana, Cuba.
Laravel Messaging or Chat or Conversation Package
Utilizing the Twillio API to be able to send messages to a collection of individuals concurrently.
A feature-wise pluggable and/or entirely replicable Python Django web-application to centrally manage time or resource slots for events. Deployed at a state-level event for resource management.
Notifications Service é um serviço de mensageira que permite criar notificações, marcar como lida e nao lida, listar e contabilizar mensagens de um usuário. Desenvolvido com o framework NestJS com a c...
make personalized chatbots that scale
A reusable messaging service for a Microservices Architecture.
#安全#Angular frontend for the private communication service encodot
Redis - key/value database
Increase sales and customer satisfaction with smarter SMS campaigns, instant OTPs, notifications, surveys & more